Sunday, January 24, 2016

Super Bowl

Both of the conference championships are over and Super Bowl 50 is set, the Denver Broncos will play the Carolina Panthers. Both of the predictions that I made in the previous blog post were pretty inaccurate, first of all I predicted that the Patriots would beat the Broncos, the Broncos won 20-18. Secondly I said in the last blog post that the game between the Panthers and Cardinals would be really close, but in reality the Panthers won 49-15, it wasn't even close. I think everybody outside of Colorado thought that Tom Brady would outperform the aging Peyton Manning before the game, but by games end it was Manning who had two touchdowns to zero interceptions. While Tom Brady, who threw 56 passes, had only one touchdown to three interception. The last interception being the most important, the Patriots had just scored a touchdown, but earlier in the game their kicker had missed and extra point making the score 20-18. Which meant that the Patriots had to attempt the two point conversion if they wanted to tie. But as Tom Brady was being pressured he just flung the ball to whoever he could find and the ball was tipped and picked off by a Broncos player, meaning that the Patriots then had to get the onside kick and get a field goal to win. Which they didn't, the Broncos recovered the onside kick and took a kneel to end the game. The real story in this game was how much Tom Brady was pressured, Brady was sacked four times, but had someone in his face on nearly every single throw. Von Miller was probably the MVP for the Broncos, he had a couple of sacks, a couple tackles for loss and an interception, and the entire game he was pressuring Brady to thrown before he was ready.

The second game of the day was over by half, the Panthers simply manhandled the Cardinals from start to finish. The Cardinals had seven turnovers in the game, which was a big factor in why they lost. But also because the Panthers simply out gained the Cardinals in terms of total yardage. I didn't see this coming and really the Cardinals just killed their chances with the turnovers. It is difficult to win with three turnovers, it's almost impossible to win with seven.

The Super Bowl should be a great match-up, Carolina who hasn't been to the Super Bowl in a long time, will take on a much more experienced Denver team. But I will preview the big game in another blog post.

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